"I have arrived. I am home. In the here. In the now. I am solid. I am free. In the ultimate I dwell." --Thich Nhat Hanh

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Dirty German 50 - Hot and Humid? Jawohl!

Spring is a beautiful time of the year. Flowers are blooming, trees are starting to get green, and you can still feel that nice chill in the morning air. Lacing up your running shoes in the morning fills you with excitement, as you know those first few minutes will be a bit chilly, before the morning sun heats everything up. For this very reason, spring time races are a perfect time to get that PR that you have been training for all winter. With the weather like that, this would have been a pretty boring story. Mother nature had something else in mind for May in Philadelphia. Going from heat and warm gear directly to July like temperatures and humidity was the prescribed cocktail for this month.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Night and Day on the Blue Ridge Mountains

Running in the dark with just moonlight and the headlamp illuminating the Blue Ridge Parkway ahead is a feeling of happiness, freedom and eagerness for what comes next. In some ways, the first loop of the double Blue Ridge Marathon is difficult in that it starts when normal people sleep and the drunks are heading home, but it is also easy as you do not see much in front of you and you have no idea how long that next climb really is. Thus began our 2015 edition of the Blue Ridge Marathon.

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